Monday, November 5, 2007

Ya Kun Kaya toast ...

Mention Ya Kun in Singapore and many will associate it with a crispy, thin and toast bread topped with butter and a type of spread - kaya. Kaya is a type of traditional egg jam often found in Singapore and Malaysia. Its made with a mix of coconut and eggs.

Forget the sinful consequences of butter, Kaya toast is a must try when in Singapore. Am sure the aroma and sweetness of the spread will leave you begging for more.

At Ya Kun, another must try will be the soft boiled eggs. Its big yellow yolk with smooth egg white will stare hard at you as you try to mix both yolk and white. Don't forget to put a little soya sauce and pepper before slurping it down the throat. To end it all, gulp some traditional coffee and allow the caffeine to wash the bad cholestrol away.

Bottled kaya can also be purchased off the shelves from Ya Kun joints should you think that the mere few pieces you consumed is not enough.

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KraM's Taste & Digest

In our journey of life, we face ups and downs but what really keeps us going? Its the food we eat, the satisfaction we get from filling our stomachs that brings us joy. Here, I will bring you through a journey of the delicious food not only in Singapore but wherever I may travel. Bon Appetit.