Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sarawak Laksa ...

If you think only Singaporean laksa is nice, wait till you taste an authentic Sarawakian laksa. Not as spicy as the local laksa, Sarawak's laksa is hard to find in Singapore. Besides it being served at a friend's place in Telok Blangah, there is a coffee shop at Bedok Interchange that serves authentic Sarawak food.

Its taste is rather unique. Not too sure how or what its made of but me being a soup lover, I just think the laksa is much better than those found at Katong. Moreover, it looks healthier to have a bowl of Sarawakian laksa than the Katong laksa. The last time my friends Ellen and Check cooked it, I had close to 6 bowls of it. Yummy.

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KraM's Taste & Digest

In our journey of life, we face ups and downs but what really keeps us going? Its the food we eat, the satisfaction we get from filling our stomachs that brings us joy. Here, I will bring you through a journey of the delicious food not only in Singapore but wherever I may travel. Bon Appetit.