Sunday, November 18, 2007

Duck with salted vegetable...

Just writing about this makes me hungry again despite having lots of it this evening at Godpa's place. Yes, Godpa is sort of a chef who experiments and makes lots of delicious food.

Duck with salted vegetable soup is appetizing. I can take as many as 3 bowls of it and mind you, its big bowls that I am talking about, not your normal rice bowl.

Aren't sure about the origin of this dish but whatever it is, the stomach craves for more.

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KraM's Taste & Digest

In our journey of life, we face ups and downs but what really keeps us going? Its the food we eat, the satisfaction we get from filling our stomachs that brings us joy. Here, I will bring you through a journey of the delicious food not only in Singapore but wherever I may travel. Bon Appetit.